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Elaborate group time: Show-off games

The game leader gives out a task. He now gives the player 4 choices about how well they will perform the task. Every possibility has a different points score depending of the difficulty level. Each player must estimate which points score he will achieve before he tries out the task.

  • If they manage their estimated points score, they receive the full points.
  • If they do not manage this, they do not receive any points.
  • If they achieve a higher score than the estimated value, they only get the estimated points total.
  • Option: You can also play with sweets (e.g. Smarties) instead of points.

Group games

If you have a larger group, you can also play the games in teams. The tasks can be altered so that the whole team is involved in the task. This has been successfully achieved with a group of 80 kids.


How many toilet paper rolls can you balance without the tower toppling over?
40 points 60 points 80 points 100 points
4 8 12 16

How long do you need to look up a verse in the bible?
40 points 60 points 80 points 100 points
30 sec. 20 sec. 15 sec. 10 sec.

How many numbers can you remember in 5 seconds?
40 points 60 points 80 points 100 points
3 numbers 5 numbers 7 numbers 9 numbers

How long can you hold a book out to side with a stretched arm?
40 points 60 points 80 points 100 points
80 sec 160 sec 240 sec 600 sec

How far can you fly a paper aeroplane? (2 tries)
40 points 60 points 80 points 100 points
3 meters 5 meters 7 meters 9 meters

How long can stay in a handstand? (2 tries)
40 points 60 points 80 points 100 points
2 sec 4 sec 5 sec 6 sec

How long do you need to thread a needle and thread?
40 points 60 points 80 points 100 points
50 sec. 30 sec. 20 sec. 10 sec.

How often can you fold a newspaper in half?
40 points 60 points 80 points 100 points
6x 10x 20x 30x

How many times can you spin around a bottle in one minute?
40 points 60 points 80 points 100 points
15x 25x 35x 50x

How many strikes do you need to hammer a nail into a piece of wood?
40 points 60 points 80 points 100 points
8 6 4 2

Using your hands, how far can you push a set of scales – which weight can you achieve?
40 points 60 points 80 points 100 points
5 kg 10 kg 20 kg 40 kg

How long can you hold a burning match stick in your hands?
40 points 60 points 80 points 100 points
20 sec. 30 sec. 40 sec. 50 sec.

How many knee bends can you manage in one minute?
40 points 60 points 80 points 100 points
30 45 65 80

With your legs together, how often can you jump over a rope in one minute?
40 points 60 points 80 points 100 points
70x 85x 100x 110x

Using the wall for assistance, how long can you remain in a handstand?
40 points 60 points 80 points 100 points
30 sec. 60 sec. 90 sec. 120 sec.

How long do you need to eat three biscuits and then whistle?
40 points 60 points 80 points 100 points
60 sec. 40 sec. 20 sec. 10 sec.

How far can you jump without a run up?
40 points 60 points 80 points 100 points
1,50 m 1,80 m 2,10 m 2,50 m

Estimate the time: How accurately can you estimate when two minutes have passed?
40 points 60 points 80 points 100 points
20 sec. 15 sec. 10 sec. 5 sec.

How often can you recite the alphabet in one minute?
40 points 60 points 80 points 100 points
2x 5x 10x 15x

How many consecutive letters can you remember in 15 seconds?
40 points 60 points 80 points 100 points
3 4 6 7

How long can you balance a piece of wood on your index finger?
40 points 60 points 80 points 100 points
2 sec. 4 sec. 6 sec. 8 sec.

How long can you speak without any hesitations or hmmm and ahs?
40 points 60 points 80 points 100 points
15 sec. 30 sec. 60 sec. 120 sec.

How far along the ground can you blow a match?
40 points 60 points 80 points 100 points
1,2 m 1,5 m 2 m 2,5 m

How long do you need to rip a sheet of A4 paper into exactly 20 pieces?
40 points 60 points 80 points 100 points
30 sec. 20 sec. 15 sec. 10 sec.

A dumb bell is attached to a stick with a rope. In one minute, how often can you wind up the rope with the dumb bell?
40 points 60 points 80 points 100 points
2x 5x 8x 10x

How many matches can you snap between index, middle and ring finger?
40 points 60 points 80 points 100 points
3 6 10 15

How long do you need to down a baby’s bottle full of water/milk etc.?
40 points 60 points 80 points 100 points
50 sec. 40 sec. 20 sec. 10 sec.

How long is the paper snake which you can make by ripping an A4 piece of paper?
40 points 60 points 80 points 100 points
0,5 m 1 m 2 m 2,5 m

How many matches can you stack up on a bottle within one minute?
40 points 60 points 80 points 100 points
8 12 16 20

How long can you keep breathing out without stopping? (This can be checked by blowing into water with the nose held closed)
40 points 60 points 80 points 100 points
20 sec. 30 sec. 45 sec. 60 sec.

How many single figures can you correctly multiply within one minute (paper and pencil can be used for assistance)
40 points 60 points 80 points 100 points
3 5 8 12

How many times can you say “red lorry, yellow lorry” without making a mistake in one minute?
40 points 60 points 80 points 100 points
4x 9x 15x 20x

40 objects are shown for 30 seconds. How many can you remember afterwards?
40 points 60 points 80 points 100 points
10 20 30 40

How many times can you run around a tree with a diameter of 70cm in one minute?
40 points 60 points 80 points 100 points
10x 15x 20x 25x

How long can you hang from a bar with both hands?
40 points 60 points 80 points 100 points
30 sec. 60 sec. 90 sec. 120 sec.

One player opens a match box with a match. Pulls it out. Opens the tray on the other, pushes the match inside, closes the box and passes it on to the next group member. How often can you pass the box along in two minutes?
40 points 60 points 80 points 100 points
15x 20x 25x 30x

With a pretzel in your mouths, how many knee bends will a pair manage together within one minute? If the pretzel breaks you can take a new one but the knee bends up to this point do not count.
40 points 60 points 80 points 100 points
8 12 16 20

How far can you push a car in 30 seconds?
40 points 60 points 80 points 100 points
50 meters 80 meters 110 meters 150 meters

Each player has a piece of spaghetti in their mouth. A bottle top is passed from one spaghetti to the next. How many times on one minute?
40 points 60 points 80 points 100 points
10x 15x 20x 30x

How many people can fit on a case of cola bottles? (demonstration)
40 points 60 points 80 points 100 points
5 6 8 9

You receive a list of 10 cities. How many can you match up with the correct country?
40 points 60 points 80 points 100 points
4 6 8 10

How many items of clothing can you put onto a member of your team? He must manage to run 20 meters afterwards.
40 points 60 points 80 points 100 points
20 35 45 70

A burning match is passed through the group. Every time a match goes out, a new one must be lit. How many matches do you need before 10 people have held the match?
40 points 60 points 80 points 100 points
4 3 2 1

These games were provided by Matthias Zimmer (EC-Sulzdorf) in December 2003.

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