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Straight through the heart!

Has this happened to you before - a devotion from a youth leader has gone straight through your heart?


That is a shame! But you are no different than a lot of others. Listening to God’s word – that is one thing – accepting God’s word (deep in your heart), that is something else.

  • It might be the case that you find devotions quite boring!
  • It might be the case that you always miss out on devotions because your thoughts are somewhere else!
  • It might be the case that your youth leader never seems to mean you and always speaks about others!
  • It might be the case that you find one or two devotions quite interesting – but only interesting!
  • It might be the case that games and action are much more important!
  • It might be the case that you have been going to the group for the past 2-3 years but still do not carry Jesus in your heart!

It is bound to be the case that you will leave the group at some point and will say: "It was a super time!" You are also bound to remember some of the devotions: "They were simply a part of it..." If God’s word does not reach you, if Jesus does not become important to you, if it does not go through your heart and Jesus does not become a matter of the heart for you and if Jesus does not change your life, your time in the youth group will have a nice time with lots of nice memories and adventures, but that’s all. That would be a shame.

Jesus wants you!

Over 2000 years ago, Simon spoke to over 5000 people about the love of Jesus and about the forgiving of sins. The listeners understood what he said. It went through their hearts. The message arrived. And I believe that when the message arrives at your door, it will go straight through the heart. You will notice what type of power that is which will hit you in the centre – the centre of your heart! Today and now! Jesus is knocking, maybe he has already knocked, but you didn’t answer him. If you open your heart to him then it will go straight the heart. An in a few years you won’t only say:

"The time in the group was a nice time", but you will be able to add:" and I started my life with Jesus at this time".

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