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Orange Peel Explosion

Peel an orange in such a way to create small stripes. Then light a candle and holding the orange peel with the outer surface between thumb and three fingers, place it near the candle.

Then press hard, in the pictures it looks quite spectacular. Try it yourself and you will establish that it is completely safe if you take care.

The whole thing happens because the peel from citrus fruits contains many oil glands. When you squeeze the peel between your fingers, these essential oils “shoot out”. The oils would not burn within the peel itself as they are sealed within ‘chambers’. However pressing and squeezing causes these chambers to break hence the oil squirts out and burns in the flame.

On the pictures you can see an explosion during the process of burning.

Orange Peel Explosion Orange Peel Explosion Orange Peel Explosion

Orange Peel Explosion Orange Peel Explosion

A contribution from Ronnie Berzins.

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