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Memory leaves

memory leaves


  • Acrylic paints or water based block printing ink in dark green
  • Light green cardboard 9 cm x 11 cm
  • Leaves from different plants
  • Rubber block print roll
  • A4 white paper

How to do it:

  1. Take your chosen leaf and paint it with acrylic paint using a paintbrush.

  2. Pick up the painted leaf at the stalk and place it with the painted side down on a piece of cardboard, place a sheet of white paper over it so that the paint does not get onto the rubber roll and roll it over the sheet several times. You can apply some pressure when rolling.

  3. Now remove the white sheet and let the printed card dry.

  4. For the memory game you will need a pair of each type of leaf. The number of pairs produced is your own free choice.

If you want to play a game of memory the pairs of cards must be mixed up and place on the table face down. A player now turns over two cards. If the cards show the same motive he may keep the cards and uncover two new cards. If the cards are different it is the next players turn. The player with the most cards at the end of the game is the winner.

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