source: | 2000 Games, Devotions, Themes, Ideas and more for Youth Work
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Will he do it, or won't he?

Version 1:

The group is split into teams. A volunteer from each group goes out of the room. The group explains what the volunteer has to do. The group then has to guess whether he would do it or not. The vote must be given within one minute. The volunteer who was out of the room was then told what he has to do. He can choose whether to fulfil the task or not. The group receives the following points:

  • 10 points if the volunteer feels the task and the group predicted that he would do it.
  • 5 points if the group says he won't do it and the volunteer says he won't either.
  • 5 points of the group says he won't do it and the volunteer does.

Variation 2:

Two teams are formed. The names of the players who vote for the task are put into a hat and a person is drawn to perform the task. If none of the players volunteer, there is a penalty task which has to be performed by the whole group. The person who completes the task receives a reward.

For all supervisor tasks, there must be one person who is prepared to perform the task.

The aim is to estimate how many people are prepared to perform the task. The bet must be given once the task has been named (maximum consultation time of 1 minute per team).

A penalty point is given for each person on either side of the bet. The group with the least penalty points wins.

Examples of tasks

Place a toad on your face Toads
Sit in a tub of cold water in clothes Bath
Crack a raw egg over your head Raw eggs
Sing a song a list of songs
Do a dance with rubbish bags Bin bags
Paint your face with mustard Mustard/Ketchup
Eat horrible things (Bread with Nutella, jam, salad, Ketchup, jelly)
Dye your hair Hair tint, old towel
Paint your nails Nail varnish
Eat a „mixed“ sandwich Bread with „spread“
Drink a raw egg Glass, egg
Drink out of your shoe Water, shoe
Wax your legs Wax strips
Find a dress, wear it and dance a waltz -
Eat garlic cloves Cloves of garlic
Let an egg be cracked on your head Egg, old towel
Body painting Paints
Find a swimming costume, wear it and sing a nursery rhyme -
Apply make up Make up bag

Penalty jobs:

  • Wash up
  • Clean the toilets
  • Tidy the camp
  • „Clean the tents“
  • Sweep the main tent

Authors: Praxis-Jugendarbeit and Marc Klein-Günnewick

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