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This quiz game is based on the famous TV show „Jeopardy“. Two teams play against each other. The correct question must be given to the answer which is called out. The team who rings the bell first and answers the question correctly wins the points. If you don’t have a bell you can also use a party horn or an object tapped on the table.

You will need a blackboard/chart just like the grand prix in which a table is drawn with the different subjects in the columns and the different points from 20 to 100 in the rows. One answer is written in each space and they are all covered up to start with.

The group wins the points without giving the question if they uncover a joker. If they use a risk joker the group can decide on a number of points (from the points won) to use as a stake. The group will either win the extra points or lose the points and the stake.

The below questions were sent in by Markus G. from the Pfarrjugendleitung of St.Peter in Dachau (Germany). Some questions will have to be adapted for your own use. If anyone has further questions for each subject, they are welcome to send them in. Any questions would be published here as well.

Here is an example of a table with the different categories:

Sayings House Symbols History Music
20 20 20 20 20
40 40 40 40 40
60 60 60 60 60
80 80 80 80 80
100 100 100 100 100

Famous sayings

20 Go forth: Let the children come to me and......
40 Moses received these rules from God on Mount Sinai
60 This is the acronym of the Latin above Jesus’ cross
80 J O K E R
100 In Hebrew this was the call from Jesus shortly before his death „Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachtani?“

Around the house

20 The Sunday service is celebrated in this building
40 This table is very important during a church service and symbolises Jesus
60 J O K E R
80 These rooms were renovated in the summer holidays last year and lots of young people meet here
100 The priest spends his time here during mass when he has nothing to do

Symbols made easy

20 This two things symbolise the body and blood of Christ during mass
40 We begin the church service with this symbol and think about Jesus Christ
60 RISK: This sign shows us that we know the person very well
80 This candle symbolises the eternal life of Jesus
100 In this blessing the neck is placed between two crossed candles. This should keep illness away

All history

20 He freed the world from sin with his sacrificing death
40 J O K E R
60 These four people wrote about the life of the saviour in four books
80 This man was the first vicar in St Peter. His name stills hangs in our vicarage
100 RISK: In this reform lots of things changed, e.g. the service was no longer held in Latin but in German

Music in the service

20 J O K E R
40 This songbook contains all of the hymns which are traditionally needed for a church service
60 This person accompanies the singing on the church organ
80 This verse is sung between the reading and the gospel
100 This person sings the psalms or the introductory part of hymns


Famous sayings

20 …do not hinder them
40 The 10 Commandments?
60 Jesus of Nazareth, kings of the Jews
80 Joker
100 My Lord, my Lord, why did you leave me?“

Around the house

20 Church
40 Altar
60 Joker
80 Individual
100 Sedalia/Priest seat

Symbols made easy

20 Bread and wine
40 The sing of the cross
60 RISK: Peace sign
80 Eternal light
100 Blasius – blessing

All history

20 Jesus
40 Joker
60 Evangelists
80 individual
100 Risk: 2. Vatican council

Music in the service

20 Joker
40 Praise to God
60 Organist
80 Reply psalm
100 Chanter

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