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The train game: „On the old railroad“

This game idea was sent in by Stefanie Schiek. It is her second contribution. Many thanks for working on the idea.

The boys must find “gold” and “coal” hidden within the house (hide enough at the beginning of the game or keep hiding new supplies during the “train stations games”). They can buy “railway tracks” with this. The purchased railway tracks will be placed on the free fields of the game plan – which means that the train can drive to the next station. Group 1 has „blue tracks“ and group 2 has „red tracks“. If the tracks have been to a specific place the relevant game for the station/town will be played with the groups. Then the journey and the search for the „gold“ and „coal“ goes on. As soon as the group has all of the pieces together for a piece of railway track they must swap them with the game leader. Then they carry on the search for the next piece of track e.g.:

  • Gold: Yellow balloons
  • Coal: Energy sweets
  • Price per train track: 5x gold and 5 x coal

For each “station game” won the group receives 1 point and the relevant groups receives an extra point at the end for each piece of track!

Game „train stations“

  • A: Kindergarten on the train

    Dice pyramid: The players in a group take turns to throw a dice. The numbers thrown are noted down. Which group will be first to have thrown all 6 numbers.

  • B: Fare dodger

    Playing cards are placed on the ground at the other end of the room. The boys sit on a stool at the other end. When the game leader blows the whistle the children may run to collect a “travel ticket” and run back to their seat. Anyone without a ticket or stool is out.

  • C: 1. class

    One group member is carried through an obstacle course on a stool.

  • D: „We’ll travel whatever the weather!“

    Fire, water, storm game
    Fire = Lie down
    Water = Stand on a stool
    Storm = Two players huddle together

  • E: Controller in view

    Like “British Bulldogs” the leader catches the players.

  • F: TARGET-train station!

    The first team to reach the train station is the winner. Obviously many more games, game stations, journey breaks, mishaps and tasks to perform are imaginable.



  • Game plan: Train tracks with stations

    Simply copy the game plan, enlarge it or extend it for your own use.

  • Playing figures: the tracks

    Make the tracks in the quantity required for your groups.

  • Playing figure: the train

    Simply use a playing figure of your choice, a toy car or a little train as your playing piece.

  • Miscellaneous

    Depending on the games and tasks planned make sure that you have enough materials and prepare them in good time.


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