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Water Fight with Kids
Water Fight with Kids

Water Fight

A great program idea for hot days is always a water fight. On the program list for youth groups you always find: water fight - please bring: water gun, towel and spare clothes. Immediately everybody will know, today a hot and wet water battle is on the agenda. What you need to prepare: 1-2 long garden hoses, 3-4 filled water tubs and the fun can begin.

However, such fun can lead to colds if the weather is not hot enough. Especially in cases, where children have to run around in wet cloths without drying off by in the sun. Therefore, insist on spare cloths so that the water fight can be done in the shortest time possible.

Another tip: we always locked the doors because the kids would run into the house to fill their gadgets up with water, with the result of the hallway being soaked. It’s better to provide an outdoor tab, such as garden hose or a water tub, where they can fill up their water guns on a more neutral place.

Water Fight with Kids
Water Fight with Kids

What other games are possible?

Water Fight with Kids
Water Fight with Kids

  • Tug of War: left and right of the brook, the teams are facing each other, holding on to a rope, trying to draw the enemy into the water. The stream must not be very deep and have no current. Rocks or dangerous slopes at the banks are unsuitable places for such a game.

  • Water bombs: instead of water guns, water bombs are filled. However, the remnants of this game have to be collected later.

  • Sponge battle: each child gets a sponge. The sponge is soaked in provided water trays and then thrown at the opponent.

  • 2-fights in the water: a regular wrestling match in not too deep water without dangerous stones or rocks.

  • Riders battle in the water: this is actually no water fight in the sense of the word, but the goal is to the opponent falling into the water.

  • Pirates: using small inflatable boats or lilos. The objective is to throw the crew of the enemy pirate overboard.

There are plenty of other game ideas with water.

Water Fight with Kids
Water Fight with Kids

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