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Indulgence - the worst form of child negligence

Andrzej Majewski (born 1967) is a Polish Aphoristic, narrator and publicist. Among other things, his children poems and -tales have been published in textbooks or the children's press. He once said:

"The worst form of neglect of a child is his indulgence."

Indulgence - the worst form of child negligence
Indulgence - the worst form of child negligence

What is that supposed to mean? Is this not a contradiction? Parents, attending to every whim of their child, make life for them as good as possible, indulging it in any way possible, their behaviour is actual “neglect”?

Perhaps the simplest form of negligence is not to care for a child. Many parents are overwhelmed, looking after their children properly. This also is neglect. It is not uncommon that the youth welfare office has to intervene in those cases.

Can it get even worse? Is there still a "worst form of neglect"?

Yes, apparently - and this relates to those parents who just do the opposite. They care too much about the child, they carry it everywhere (or go by car everywhere), jump at the slightest thing and fulfil every whatsoever desire.

If everything is done for the child…

  • How should it learn to be independent? How should it learn to cope alone?

  • How should a child try to make contact with other children without someone helping?

  • How can a child learn to make their own decisions?

  • How can a child learn from its mistakes?

  • How should the child trust himself when so far everything was kept away from him?

Basically, the parents mean well and want only what is good for the child. However, what is completely overlooked is the fact that the child is not able to learn anything this way. Necessary experiences and skills cannot develop. Moreover, I think that is where the word “neglect” comes into play; just as Andrzej Majewski said. By indulging the child, its development is neglected, it is unable to acquire essential skills on its own.

The effects of indulgence, which the child experienced at a younger age will only become noticeable in its later years; as a teenager or as an adult.

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