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I am Certainly not Stupid...


Are you stupid?… the people asked Noah as he began building a ship on dry land, where far and wide no water was to be found.

Am I stupid?… and work like a dog for nothing? I want to enjoy my life, said the lost son to his father before he left home.

I am certainly not stupid... not to take the 30 silver coins, said Judas to himself before he betrayed Jesus.

Do you know of other examples?

Sometimes maybe one must be stupid. Or, said differently: not all of which at first appears to be stupid – is stupid. The three examples show that as it turned out afterwards, what looked to be stupid was really not stupid at all!

Don’t be stupid- don’t turn down God’s offerings.

I am certainly not stupid... said Zechariah : to turn down the offer from Jesus to eat with him (and because of it his life was changed).

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