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Devotion for the children’s group

The light switch

If you activate a light switch, you can either switch the light on and off. Everyone can see straight away (given that the bulb is not broken) whether the light is on or off.

If you are Christian and have the light of Jesus burning in your heart, then it is similar to a light. Your friends around you can recognise that Jesus is alive within you through the way you talk and act. Be honest with yourself, can your friends recognise this within you?


Oops, the light must be switched off at the moment, or it is hidden (in the dark).
You cannot switch Jesus off in your life. He is there and will stay there. It is however possible, that you have immersed yourself as a Christian (switched the light off), or that you have made a mistake (the light is covered/dark) so that your friends would not come across the idea that you are a Christian.

Being a Christian means that you are also a witness. You are a bad witness if you are always immersed, hiding Jesus’ presence or if you conceal any mistakes made.
In the gospel according to Matthew in chapter 5 verse 16 we can read: „So, let your light shine to all people. Then they will see the good things you do. And they will praise your Father in heaven. “
That is Jesus’ wish and he wants to be ranked high in your life and light the way. He would be sad he only had a place under the table or in a dark corner of your life.

A passage from "Show it with objects" a Christian publishing company in Dillenburg

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