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Domino Games – Domino-Day

Nearly every household possesses dominoes or if not they are easily obtainable. Investing in a larger number of dominoes can be worthwhile if there are several groups who can then help themselves from the games cupboard.

  1. Laying the Dominoes

    In the classical game each player tries to lay his approx. 6 dominoes down, and in doing so the first person to lay all their dominoes wins. If someone is unable to put a stone down they have to pick one up from the reserve pile. As long as there are reserve stones available, an already laid stone is replaced with the reserve stone.

  1. Building a tower

    If all participants bring dominoes with them from home, then you can build a large tower. Who will manage to make the largest tower within 1-2minutes? A higher tower but more risky is created when the dominoes are stacked vertically. This demands skill and a steady hand.

  2. Jenga-Domino

    The well known game Jenga is played with dominoes instead. Because dominoes do not have perfectly smooth surfaces this variation of the game is somewhat more difficult However trying it out is better than looking at the theory…

  3. Making buildings

    With a superfluous number of dominoes you can build houses, bridges and streets. Who can build a house with a front garden within 1-2minutes?

  4. Labyrinth & blowing cotton

    Build a labyrinth with dominoes. A ball of cotton is blown through the labyrinth using a straw.

  1. Race track

    Build a race track with dominoes. The dominoes create the side walls. A small remote control car is raced around the track (with obstacles, slaloms etc.) Record the time taken and also the number of obstacles hit.

  2. Touching

    In a small black pouch there are 5 dominoes with varying numbers of dots. By touching the stones the number of dots has to be counted and an estimate of the total given.

  3. Remember the dots

    10 Dominos are covered on a table. The group leader quickly turns the stones over one by one. Once all the stones have been turned over, leave them exposed for a further 5 seconds after which they are pushed off the table into a container. The players try to name the respective dominos. As an example: 2 stones had the numbers 1 and 3, 1 stone had 4 and 5 dots etc. For each correctly named stone, one point is given.

  4. Quick Arithmetic

    10 dominoes are covered on the table. The group leader quickly turns the stones over one at a time. The players have to try to add up the number of dots on all the stones and give the total. The person who calculates the total fastest wins.

  5. Domino Relay

    This is demonstrated on the Domino day – try and make a long a row as possible of vertically standing dominoes. Once the row has been made, knock the end stone which should lead to a chain reaction triggering all the other stones to fall over.

  6. Target throwing

    Dominoes are thrown into a demarcated circle on the floor containing various numbers. The number of dots on the stone is multiplied by the number reached in the circle. Which team will obtain the highest score?

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