source: | 2000 Games, Devotions, Themes, Ideas and more for Youth Work
only for private using

Spinning tops

In this workshop, spinning tops will be produced using pieces of wood and rods and decorated colourfully.


  • Cut out round pieces of wood from a plywood sheet (3-5 pieces are required per spinning top) with different diameters for better rotation.
  • Cut out at least one plate of wood at 62mm diameter. The clamp must be positioned so that the drill does not come into contact with the table surface. Warning! The drill should only be used by a member of staff. Make sure to remove the cable before changing the drill head!
    Material: Plywood (approx. 0,5 to 1,5 cm), drill, drill attachments, clamp, extension cable, Screw driver with cross head, keys, drill key, 2 larger boards approx 5cm wide and15cm long to lay underneath, two screws to hold the wood in the clamp
  • Sand the plates of wood and smooth them before painting with bright colours. Material: Sandpaper and paint, paintbrush, pots for the paint, newspaper to protect the surfaces.
  • Cut the wooden stick (ø 8 mm or as wide as the drilled hole) to size (approx. 8 to 10 cm, dependent on the quantity of wooden plates) and sharpen one end into a point.
    Material: Round stick (Beech ø 8 mm), fretsaw, saw blades, pencil sharpener
  • Put the spinning top together: Slip the pieces of the wood over the round stick and stick into place with wood glue. The lower the centre of gravity is, the better it will spin. That means the wooden plates should be attached as low as possible on the stick.
  • Material: Wood glue
  • Material – The complete list: Plywood (approx. 0,5 to 1,5 cm), drill, drill attachments, clamp, extension cable, Screw driver with cross head, Alan keys, drill keys, 2 larger boards approx 5cm wide and15cm long to lay underneath, two screws to clamp the wood in position.
  • Sandpaper and paint, paintbrush, pots for the paint, newspaper to protect the surfaces. Wooden stick (Beech ø 8 mm), fretsaw, saw blades, pencil sharpener, wood glue.

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