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Alien Invasion in the Solar System

This village game (works outdoors as well) is intended for several teams. The size of the group is not so important. If the kids know a bit about the solar system and its planets, they will recognize the characters (planet names).

The game was tested and submitted by Luca S. There was a gamebook for it.

Introduction for the children:

Following is just a suggestion, but it contains all of the essential information.

You can deliver this message also as a video.

"We live in the year 2222 and are astronauts on a space station."

"You are the last salvation for planet earth! Aliens want to attack it and from there gain access to the whole solar system! The earth alone cannot defend itself but needs the help of the other planets. And there you come into play.

You are the chosen people who should rescue planet earth. Afterward, you gather in groups of for and travel through the universe. Your objective is to convince all the other planets to help mother earth in the battle. So be friendly and polite. But most of the planets do not quite know how to help the earth because each of them is different. Each planet has its own character with its own characteristics. If you are kind, they will tell you their characteristics.

However, you probably must prove to the planets that you are really the chosen ones of the earth, and therefore they will test you. If you pass the tests, the planets will tell you what makes them unique, what they do exceptionally well, or something in this regard.

Suppose you have learned enough about a planet. In that case, you quickly come back here to the command center and tell me the properties of the planet you visited. In the end, we come together and compare our notes. Next, we make a plan on how to fight the aliens."

Not every planet has to be visited by every group. In the end, we collect all the information. So, take your time!

Well, we must not lose any more time now because the aliens are already awfully close.

Now form your search parties. Best in such a way that they are equally well distributed.

Introduction for staff and game leaders:

Staff members are the planets and buzz around the village (in a small or large distance from the command center, depending on group size and time).

Planets have their names from Greek gods and embody personalities. (E.g. Venus - love - loving; Jupiter - largest planet/god - exalted, royal).

Kids come in teams of four and ask to help fight aliens.

"But why should I believe you that you are really the chosen ones of the earth? I'd like to test that first and put you to the test."

Now the employees set their task. When the kids have done them successfully, the planet says something about itself: personality, characteristics, etc.

"But I don't know how I can help you."

In the end, the kids discuss which planet they are dealing with. When they are done, the kids go back to the spaceship, and the staff gets ready for the next group.

Each planet can only be visited once by a group. This means each staff member has time to really play their role and not just bluntly set the task.

Planets and their properties:

  1. Mercury

    God of Commerce

    Profiteering, ambitious, cunning,

  2. Venus

    Goddess of Love

    Loving and Love

  3. Mars

    God of War

    disciplined, strong, powerful

  4. Jupiter

    Supreme, Greatest God Sublime

    Royal, Powerful

  5. Saturn

    God of sowing, farming

    Giving and taking, Force of nature - unpredictable

  6. Uranus

    The first, father of the gods

    Old, wise, manly, fatherly

  7. Neptune

    God of the Water

    Nimble, emotional, wacky

  8. Pluto

    God of the Dead

    smallest planet Unpopular, "victim," dissatisfied with himself,

Those are the characteristics that team leaders reveal only after the task was successfully finished.


  1. Mercury

    I would like to get something from the group.

    For example, pens from the bag, a small bouquet of flowers, and, and ...

    "I can never get enough, so you must give me something valuable."

  2. Venus

    I would like to hear a love poem recited by the group.

    Preferably quickly self-penned

    "I am named after the Greek goddess of love, and that's why I want you to write a little love poem."

  3. Mars

    Power games at your own discretion; decide on success.

    E.g., sitting on the wall, TT ball in the back of the knee, and run a certain distance.

    "I am Mars and am named after the god of war. I am happy to help, but only if you prove to me that you are even worthy of me helping you."

  4. Jupiter

    The group should do everything Jupiter commands.

    E.g., dance on one leg, give him compliments, a kiss on the cheek, or the like.

    "I am the biggest planet in the solar system - you could say I am the king of the galaxy. And according to that, you are subjected to me - so ... (e.g., dance for me on one leg)"

  5. Saturn

    Make a bouquet (beautiful), or collect leaves/nuts

    If the weather is warm enough, sprinkle each other with a water gun

    "Collect some natural things for me because I want to show you a little bit of nature" (when sprayed with water - "oh sorry, I must have slipped, it happens sometimes")

  6. Uranus

    Feeding each other with applesauce – blindfolded

    "I am Uranus, and I am named after the first god in Olympus. I was the first. I am the oldest with the most life experience. They also say I am like the father of the others. That's why I want you to feed each other applesauce blindfolded."

  7. Neptune

    Water transport (with an obstacle course if you like) - bring water from a bucket to another bucket with a cup.

    Optionally, one of the groups can be blindfolded, and the others must lead.

    "Neptune is named after the god of water, and I love water. But I want to know from you if you also value water as much as I do or if you carelessly spill it."

  8. Pluto

    Pluto, there is no task except to listen to the sad story, and friendly as the kids always are, they must try to develop sympathy for him or comfort him. By listening to his story, they already get his "only" characteristic.

    "I am the smallest planet," "nobody wants me around," "I am often teased by the big ones."


I played this village game with 21 children ages 6-13, and it was very well received.

The employees distribute themselves in the village at different fixed points (e.g., crossroads or similar) and play out the personalities described above (Table 1). This makes the atmosphere and the game experience more likable and more rounded for the children. Of course, this also includes the decoration of the "command center" with, e.g., aluminum foil, life blanket, button, and computer dummies, or the like.

At the stations, I trust the individual employees' personal discretion regarding fairness towards the groups is concerned and the corresponding selection of games/variations and their evaluation.

There is always a staff member with a list in the command center on which he writes down the groups and notes what they have found out about their respective planet they visited.


In the end, there is an evaluation. This does not mean comparing who has done the best at most stations. But to see if all planets have been visited and discussed how they want to or can help. (see below - devotion)

The evening should be rounded off by the devotion at the end of the two hours.

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