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Experience pedagogic | experience orientated youth work and camps

Experience pedagogic

Those who have already taken part in a few holiday camps know that camps are the best opportunity to build in experience pedagogical aspects. 1-2 days or 2-3 weeks “experience learning” can mean not running away from conflicts within the group, but understanding and solving, it can mean experiencing and recognising their own limits and their own performance abilities as well as living together in a group or learning about community. Experience pedagogic (Outdoor education) is not only an action, in which only the word “experience” would be contained, but it also always has to relate to the pedagogical aspect.

Action camps are always impressive for kids and young people, especially for teenagers. There is always something going on, there is something on offer, everyone experiences tension and excitement in play, fun, action and adventure. Through collective dealing and experiencing, the experience between internal confrontation (experiences, feelings, fears and conflicts), as well as external experiences (action, atmosphere, dealing) result in a new relationship between youth leader and the youths. This is exactly when the pedagogical work comes into play.

The following 3 principles are very important:

  • Do not talk, negotiate.
  • Define the relationship between youth leader and youths
  • Experience contrasts or integrated life experiences. This means: experiences with the self, with and in nature.

How can experience pedagogic be integrated into Christian youth work? Not only action and fun should be provided but Jesus Christ must also be made into an experience. When we think about our own personal limits in experience pedagogic actions, we must realise that what I do (in front of God) is not as important as how I do it. Even if all of the experiences cannot convert and be transferred to God and the Christian faith, nevertheless valuable educational aspects are direct experiences for the young people.

Experience pedagogic

I found a very good article about experience pedagogic in the Lebenszentrum Adelshofen, which was given to us with kind permission. The article deals with (among others):

  • The experience pedagogic as a field of experience for youths and educators,
  • The goals of experience pedagogical youth work and its use is explained with 3 examples,
  • The question is answered about how experience pedagogical elements and actions can be integrated into Christian teenager and youth work.

For further information on the article about Experience pedagogic – click here

More informations and ideas concerning outdoor education

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