source: | 2000 Games, Devotions, Themes, Ideas and more for Youth Work
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Pizza Elephant

Category: Vegetarian
Difficulty/Costs: medium / low
Number of people: 12
  • 660 ml water
  • 1,050 g of wheat flour
  • 450g Passata
  • 1.5 kg carrots
  • 600g Strained Sweet Corn
  • 450 g Gouda cheese
  • 900g mozzarella
  • 900 g small zucchini
  • 1 ½ glasses of dry yeast
  • 450 g sour cream, 20% fat
  • 60 g margarine or butter
  • 3 black olives
  • 6 tablespoons olive oil
  • Oil to coat the plates
  • 3 pinches of basil
  • Pepper salt


Mix the water with the flour and yeast. When that is done, add the oil and about 1½ tsp salt. Now knead the dough until it is no longer sticky. Then sprinkle with flour and let rest.

Now mix the tomato puree with the sour cream, pepper, salt and basil

Next, wash and peel the carrots. You can put a few carrots aside so that you can create a tail and trunk for the elephant. All the other carrots cut in equal slices and sauté with a little oil, then season with salt and pepper. Add water and cook for 15 minutes. Then put aside and let cool down.

Cut the washed zucchini as well into thin slices.

Preheat the oven to about 200 ° C. By now the dough should be twice its size. Grease 3 baking trays and put the dough on it. To work the dough, it’s the easiest by dusting your hands with flour.

Level the dough on the trays right to the edges. Now put the tomato sauce on top of the dough and spread thin but equally. To create the Elephant Pizza, you can put on the topping in a way, that it looks like an elephant in the jungle. Since this is a carrot coloured elephant, you need to put the carrots on top as well. The olives are the eyes. There is only one olive on each tray. Trunk and tail a created from cut into half carrots.

The sweet corn is the jungle floor. Hence, you put them underneath the feet. The zucchini represents the jungle itself and therefore will be the last layer. But basically, it is up to you, which veggies you use for this pizza. Now cut the mozzarella into cubes and place them on top of the zucchini. Sprinkle the grated Gouda over the entire pizza.

Put the decorated pizza in the oven and bake for 30 minutes.

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